Aquaponics is latest innovation at Everglades University

Home / Aquaponics is latest innovation at Everglades University

President Kristi Mollis and Vice President Caroline King meet with Professor Newman and the McGarther High School students to review the AquaGrove system in Hollywood, Florida.
President Kristi Mollis and Vice President Caroline King meet with Professor Newman and the McGarther High School students to review the AquaGrove system in Hollywood, Florida.

The AquaGrove will be the latest addition to the EU Sarasota outdoor Solar and Renewable Energy teaching Lab.

The AquaGrove is a solar operated system allowing people in remote and off the grid areas to grow fish and vegetables in a self  contained system.  EU Sarasota students will participate in a pilot program studying this system and comparing notes to develop optimum operating capacity as part of the BS/Alternative and Renewable Energy Degree program.

The AquaGrove is scheduled for installation in September 2017 in time for fall classes.